Twitter's Dislike Button Is Not For You.

Twitter resently announced a new feature that would allow you to down vote or dislike a tweet. This isn’t the first hate button on the internet and I’m sure it won’t be the last. 

It got us thinking about how in the world can a company make money if they are giving all of us an easy, free way to offer our hate opinion (or “dislike”) to businesses. So, I thought I would do some investigating.

Downvote description 

For some time now, Twitter has been considering adding a "downvote" feature to its platform. However, recent statements by the company seem to indicate that it is finally moving forward with this plan.

Looking in between the lines, the downvote button is made for Twitter, just like it's design. You [the user] would help the twitter's algorithm to show other the most relevant and quality tweet replies.
Downvotes are private, and for the time being, they will be on tweet replies or comments, according to a pop-up sent to users informing them of this new feature.

Yes, you are aware that this is not your typical dislike button, where you can vent your rage on someone. I'd say this is pretty much what Twitter is thinking.

Twitter said that during the testing, users used the downvote to flag comments that they didn't want to see much of. And this improved the quality of conversations on Twitter. 

 The downvote feature is now global and it is said that the feature is coming on desktop. 

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